Finance Research Group Working Papers,
University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Department of Business Studies
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Top papers by Abstract Accesses last month (2025-02)
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Top papers by Abstract Accesses last 3 months (2024-12 to 2025-02)
Paper | Accesses |
Improving the asset pricing ability of the Consumption-Capital Asset Pricing Model? Anne-Sofie Reng Rasmussen | 65 |
On the Generalized Brownian Motion and its Applications in Finance Esben Høg, Per Frederiksen, Daniel Schiemert | 54 |
Danish Mutual Fund Performance - Selectivity, Market Timing and Persistence. Michael Christensen | 49 |
Dispersed Trading and the Prevention of Market Failure: The Case of the Copenhagen Stock Exchange David C. Porter, Carsten Tanggaard, Daniel G. Weaver, Wei Yu | 49 |
Time Charters with Purchase Options in Shipping: Valuation and Risk Management Peter Løchte Jørgensen, Domenico De Giovanni | 48 |
Investment Timing, Liquidity, and Agency Costs of Debt Stefan Hirth, Marliese Uhrig-Homburg | 47 |
The Fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process: Term Structure Theory and Application Espen P. Høg, Per H. Frederiksen | 47 |
How well do financial and macroeconomic variables predict stock returns: Time-series and cross-sectional evidence Anne-Sofie Reng Rasmussen | 46 |
Traffic Light Options Peter Løchte | 46 |
Conducting event studies on a small stock exchange Jan Bartholdy, Dennis Olson, Paula Peare | 46 |
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Top papers by Downloads last 3 months (2024-12 to 2025-02)
Paper | Downloads |
Pricing the Option to Surrender in Incomplete Markets Andrea Consiglio, Domenico De Giovanni | 1 |
Level-ARCH Short Rate Models with Regime Switching: Bivariate Modeling of US and European Short Rates. Charlotte Christiansen | 1 |
Danish Mutual Fund Performance - Selectivity, Market Timing and Persistence. Michael Christensen | 1 |
A Consistent Pricing Model for Index Options and Volatility Derivatives Rama Cont, Thomas Kokholm | 1 |
Private benefits in corporate control transactions Thomas Poulsen | 1 |
Investment Timing, Liquidity, and Agency Costs of Debt Stefan Hirth, Marliese Uhrig-Homburg | 1 |
Debt and Taxes: Evidence from bank-financed unlisted firms Jan Bartholdy, Cesário Mateus | 1 |
Paying for Market Quality Amber Anand, Carsten Tanggaard, Daniel G. Weaver | 1 |
The Forecast Performance of Competing Implied Volatility Measures: The Case of Individual Stocks Leonidas Tsiaras | 1 |
GSE Funding Advantages and Mortgagor Benefits: Answers from Asset Pricing Søren Willemann | 1 |
Time Charters with Purchase Options in Shipping: Valuation and Risk Management Peter Løchte Jørgensen, Domenico De Giovanni | 1 |
Lapse Rate Modeling: A Rational Expectation Approach Domenico De Giovanni | 1 |
Decomposing European bond and equity volatility Charlotte Christiansen | 1 |
Do More Economists Hold Stocks? Charlotte Christiansen, Juanna Schröter Joensen, Jesper Rangvid | 1 |
Lognormal Approximation of Complex Path-dependent Pension Scheme Payoffs Peter Løchte Jørgensen | 1 |
On the Generalized Brownian Motion and its Applications in Finance Esben Høg, Per Frederiksen, Daniel Schiemert | 1 |
Traffic Light Options Peter Løchte | 1 |
Investment decisions with benefits of control Thomas Poulsen | 1 |
Volatility and realized quadratic variation of differenced returns : A wavelet method approach Esben Høg | 1 |
The Fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process: Term Structure Theory and Application Espen P. Høg, Per H. Frederiksen | 1 |
Estimating US Monetary Policy Shocks Using a Factor-Augmented Vector Autoregression: An EM Algorithm Approach Lasse Bork | 1 |
Dispersed Trading and the Prevention of Market Failure: The Case of the Copenhagen Stock Exchange David C. Porter, Carsten Tanggaard, Daniel G. Weaver, Wei Yu | 1 |
Sato Processes in Default Modeling Thomas Kokholm, Elisa Nicolato | 1 |
Conducting event studies on a small stock exchange Jan Bartholdy, Dennis Olson, Paula Peare | 1 |
Realized Bond-Stock Correlation: Macroeconomic Announcement Effects Charlotte Christiansen, Angelo Ranaldo | 1 |
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Top papers by Abstract Accesses all months (from 2005-09)
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Top papers by Downloads all months (from 2005-09)
Paper | Downloads |
Pricing the Option to Surrender in Incomplete Markets Andrea Consiglio, Domenico De Giovanni | 287 |
Lapse Rate Modeling: A Rational Expectation Approach Domenico De Giovanni | 128 |
The Fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process: Term Structure Theory and Application Espen P. Høg, Per H. Frederiksen | 127 |
Danish Mutual Fund Performance - Selectivity, Market Timing and Persistence. Michael Christensen | 117 |
Conducting event studies on a small stock exchange Jan Bartholdy, Dennis Olson, Paula Peare | 101 |
Debt and Taxes: Evidence from bank-financed unlisted firms Jan Bartholdy, Cesário Mateus | 87 |
A Consistent Pricing Model for Index Options and Volatility Derivatives Rama Cont, Thomas Kokholm | 80 |
Realized Bond-Stock Correlation: Macroeconomic Announcement Effects Charlotte Christiansen, Angelo Ranaldo | 66 |
On the Generalized Brownian Motion and its Applications in Finance Esben Høg, Per Frederiksen, Daniel Schiemert | 59 |
Investment decisions with benefits of control Thomas Poulsen | 59 |
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