Bo Bernhard Nielsen
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Bo Bernhard Nielsen: Department of International Economics and Management, Copenhagen Business School, Postal: Department of International Economics and Management, Copenhagen Business School, Howitzvej 60, 2nd floor , DK-2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark
Abstract: This paper considers the relationship between subjective measures of international al-liance performance and a set of variables, which may act as predictors of success before the alliance is formed (pre-alliance formation factors), and a set of variables which emerge during the operation of the alliance (post-alliance formation factors). The empiri-cal study, based on a web-survey, investigates a sample of Danish partner firms engaged in 48 equity joint ventures and 70 non-equity joint ventures with international partners. The results show a significant relationship between alliance performance and partner reputation preceding alliance formation as well as strong relationships between collabora-tive know-how, trust, and protectiveness and alliance performance during the operation of the alliance.
Keywords: International strategic alliance; Performance; alliance formation
46 pages, July 1, 2002
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