Ulf Elg ()
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Ulf Elg: Department of Business Administration, School of Economics and Management, Lund University, Postal: Department of Business Administration, School of Economics and Management, Lund University, Box 7080, SE-220 07 Lund, Sweden
Abstract: Previous research demonstrates that a firm’s market orientation is influ-enced by network factors, but few regard market orientation as an inter-firm phe-nomenon, i.e. as a part of cooperative inter-firm activities and relationships. The paper suggests inter-firm market orientation as an approach for studying this. It is based on Kohli and Jaworski’s three original components, but their meaning within an interorganizational relationship is modified and dimensions that enable us to systematically analyse inter-firm market orientation are identified empiri-cally. The results are based on a qualitative study on supplier-retailer relationships in Sweden, Italy and the UK. Four dimensions are found to be especially relevant and propositions are presented concerning how they influence the overall degree of inter-firm MO.
Keywords: Market orientation; inter-firm relationships; cooperation; ydistribu-tion channels; food sector
22 pages, May 16, 2005
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