Mats Forsgren and Cecilia Pahlberg
This is a presentation of a research project which focuses on influence in divisions of Swedish international firms. Our aim is to study how some intraorganizational relations, i.e. relations between divisional managements usually situated in Sweden and subsidiaries mainly located in Europe, can be influenced by interorganizational factors. The networks in which the subsidiaries are engaged are investigated, in order to see how the characteristics of the networks influence the conditions for the subsidiaries to manage their own development and influence the strategy of the whole division. We assume that the long-term strategic behavior of the divisions and the subsidiaries can be related to the business networks in which they are embedded. A model, which in earlier versions has been presented at the EIBA-conference in Madrid 1990, at the Strategic Processes Research Conference in Oslo 1991 and at the IMP-conference in Uppsala 1991, is developed. This model is the base for an empirical study which was started during spring 1991 and will be finished at the end of 1992. The project is partly financed by the FA-Institute - Institute for Research on Business and Work Life Issues. Project leaders are professors Jan Johanson and Mats Forsgren at the Department of Business Studies, Uppsala University, and assistants are Ulf Andersson, Ulf Holm, Cecilia Pahlberg and Peter Thilenius.
21 pages, 1992
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