Amjad Hadjikhani and Gunnar Sjögren
Abstract: The existing studies in the industrial netvork have devoted their attention extensively to the commercial actors. The political and intermediary actors stand in the far horizon and their impacts are implicitly considered to be manageable. These studies may be relevant for a condition of harmony or a positive interaction among these actors. But the business world is becoming increasingly complex and dynamic. The research question for this paper concerns the interaction of political, intermediary systems within industrial networks. The research emphazis business, two interrelated questions. one question concerns the basis of the relationship between these three networks. The next question is how a change in the value of the political system make change in the behaviour of intermediary and business actors. The study presents six cases about the Swedish MNCs in India confronted with a changed political value system and the ability of management to understand the Meraction of the three systems of political, intermediary and business. The aim of this paper is to contribute some knowledge about the relationships between the political and business networks.
Keywords: Företagsledning Beslutsmetoder Planeringsmetoder; Marknadsföring Industriell
17 pages, 1995
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