Amjad Hadjikhani
Abstract: While some efforts have been made to elevate the role of the 4Ps in consumer marketing, this paper employs the network theory and aims to investigate consumer perception using the incident of the “mad cow disease." Contrary to other studies that observe the role of media as a means to support market activities, this paper considers media and its influence on consumer perception from a different angle. It studies how variations in intensity of negative news released by the media influence the consumer. This is done by two surveys conducted during two periods of time one when media discussed the incident intensively and then again three months later, examining the permanency of the perception change. The defined network for this study is a set of loosely interconnected entities of the international market consumers, vendors, national and international media, governments, and specialists in different countries, and public opinion. This paper attempts to expand and enrich the already known set of ideas about consumer-environment interaction and add more knowledge about the use of network models for consumer marketing.
Keywords: Marknadsföring Konsumentforskning; Masskommunikation
23 pages, 1998
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