Finance Working Papers,
University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Department of Business Studies
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Paper | Accesses |
Real Supply Shocks and the Money Growth-Inflation Relationship. Michael Christensen | 22 |
Testing for Multiple Types of Marginal Investor in Ex-day Pricing Jan Bartholdy, Kate Briown | 21 |
Credit Spreads and the Term Structure of Interest Rates. Charlotte Christiansen | 20 |
Two-Dimensional Hazard Estimation for Longevity Analysis. P. Fledelius, Montserrat Guillen, Jens Perch Nielsen, M. Vogelius | 20 |
A New Test for Speculative Bubbles Based on Return Variance Decompositions. Tom Engsted, Carsten Tanggaard | 20 |
Denmark - A chapter on the Danish Bond Market Charlotte Christiansen, Tom Engsted, Svend Jakobsen, Carsten Tanggaard | 19 |
Prediction of Mortalities. A Comparative Danish Study. P. Fledelius, Jens Perch Nielsen | 19 |
Implied Volatility of Interest Rate Options: An Empirical Investigation of the Market Model. Charlotte Christiansen, Charlotte Strunk Hansen | 18 |
Bootstrap Inference in Semiparametric Generalized Additive Models. Wolfgang Härdle, Sylvie Huet, Enno Mammen, Stefan Sperlich | 18 |
Speculative bubbles in stock prices? Tests based on the price-dividend ratio. Tom Engsted, Carsten Tanggaard | 18 |
Long Maturity Forward Rates. Charlotte Christiansen | 18 |
Mortgage Choice - The Danish Case Mikkel Svenstrup | 18 |
Paper | Accesses |
Long-Run Forecasting in Multicointegrated Systems Boriss Siliverstovs, Tom Engsted, Niels Haldrup | 49 |
Testing for Multiple Types of Marginal Investor in Ex-day Pricing Jan Bartholdy, Kate Briown | 49 |
Two-Dimensional Hazard Estimation for Longevity Analysis. P. Fledelius, Montserrat Guillen, Jens Perch Nielsen, M. Vogelius | 48 |
A New Test for Speculative Bubbles Based on Return Variance Decompositions. Tom Engsted, Carsten Tanggaard | 48 |
Denmark - A chapter on the Danish Bond Market Charlotte Christiansen, Tom Engsted, Svend Jakobsen, Carsten Tanggaard | 47 |
Credit Spreads and the Term Structure of Interest Rates. Charlotte Christiansen | 47 |
Long Maturity Forward Rates. Charlotte Christiansen | 47 |
Estimating Multiplicative and Additive Hazard Functions by Kernel Methods. Oliver B. Linton, Jens Perch Nielsen, Sara Van de Geer | 46 |
Mortgage Choice - The Danish Case Mikkel Svenstrup | 46 |
Multivariate Term Structure Models with Level and Heteroskedasticity Effects Charlotte Christiansen | 46 |
Local Linear Density Estimation for Filtered Survival Data, with Bias Correction Jens Perch Nielsen, Carsten Tanggaard, M. C. Jones | 46 |
A New Daily Dividend-adjusted Index for the Danish Stock Market, 1985-2002: Construction, Statistical Properties, and Return Predictability Klaus Belter, Tom Engsted, Carsten Tanggaard | 46 |
Paper | Downloads |
Longevity Studies Based on Kernel Hazard Estimation. Angie Felipe, Montserrat Guillen, Jens Perch Nielsen | 1 |
Mortgage Choice - The Danish Case Mikkel Svenstrup | 1 |
Misspecification versus bubbles in hyperinflation data: Comment. Tom Engsted | 1 |
Variable Bandwidth Kernel Hazard Estimators Jens Perch Nielsen | 1 |
Estimating intractable non-linear term structure models Peter Mikkelsen | 1 |
Improving the Least-Squares Monte-Carlo Approach Nicki Søndergaard Rasmussen | 1 |
Volatility-Spillover E ffects in European Bond Markets Charlotte Christiansen | 1 |
Long Maturity Forward Rates. Charlotte Christiansen | 1 |
Kernel Density Estimation of Actuarial Loss Functions. Catalina Bolance, Montserrat Guillen, Jens Perch Nielsen | 1 |
On Finite Dimensional HJM Representations. Peter Mikkelsen | 1 |
A New Test for Speculative Bubbles Based on Return Variance Decompositions. Tom Engsted, Carsten Tanggaard | 1 |
On the Suboptimality of Single-Factor Exercise Strategies for Bermudan Swaptions Mikkel Svenstrup | 1 |
Evaluating the C-CAPM and the Equity Premium Puzzle at Short and Long Horizons: A Markovian Bootstrap Approach. Tom Engsted, Enno Mammen, Carsten Tanggaard | 1 |
Revisiting the shape of the yield curve: the effect of interest rate volatility. Charlotte Christiansen, Jesper Lund | 1 |
Speculative bubbles in stock prices? Tests based on the price-dividend ratio. Tom Engsted, Carsten Tanggaard | 1 |
Boundary and Bias Correction in Kernel Hazard Estimation Jens Perch Nielsen, Carsten Tanggaard | 1 |
Local Linear Density Estimation for Filtered Survival Data, with Bias Correction Jens Perch Nielsen, Carsten Tanggaard, M. C. Jones | 1 |
Multivariate Term Structure Models with Level and Heteroskedasticity Effects Charlotte Christiansen | 1 |
Super-Efficient Prediction Based on High-Quality Marker Information Jens Perch Nielsen | 1 |
A New Daily Dividend-adjusted Index for the Danish Stock Market, 1985-2002: Construction, Statistical Properties, and Return Predictability Klaus Belter, Tom Engsted, Carsten Tanggaard | 1 |
Efficient Control Variates and Strategies for Bermudan Swaptions in a Libor Market Model Malene Shin Jensen, Mikkel Svenstrup | 1 |
Bootstrap Inference in Semiparametric Generalized Additive Models. Wolfgang Härdle, Sylvie Huet, Enno Mammen, Stefan Sperlich | 1 |
Evaluating Danish Mutual Fund Performance Michael Christensen | 1 |
Long-Run Forecasting in Multicointegrated Systems Boriss Siliverstovs, Tom Engsted, Niels Haldrup | 1 |
Cross-Currency LIBOR Market Models. Peter Mikkelsen | 1 |
The comovement of US and UK stock markets. Tom Engsted, Carsten Tanggaard | 1 |
Exchange Rate Dynamics in a General Equilibrium Model with Decreasing Returns to Labor. Allan Bødskov Andersen | 1 |
Quantifying the "Peso Problem" Bias: A Switching Regime Approach. Allan Bødskov Andersen | 1 |
The Educational Asset Market: A Finance Perspective on Human Capital Investment Charlotte Christiansen, Helena Skyt Nielsen | 1 |
Measuring Noise in the Permanent Income Hypothesis Tom Engsted | 1 |
Errors in Trade Classification: Consequences and Remedies. Carsten Tanggaard | 1 |
Life Insurance Liabilities at Market Value. Anders Grosen, Peter Løchte Jørgensen | 1 |
Finite Difference Computation of State-Prices in Term Structure Models: with Applications to Calibration and MBS Analysis Nicki Søndergaard Rasmussen | 1 |
Valuation of Path-Dependent Interest Rate Derivatives in a Finite Difference Setup Mikkel Svenstrup | 1 |
Denmark - A chapter on the Danish Bond Market Charlotte Christiansen, Tom Engsted, Svend Jakobsen, Carsten Tanggaard | 1 |
Regime Switching in the Yield Curve Charlotte Christiansen | 1 |
Global Polynomial Kernel Hazard Estimation. Jens Perch Nielsen, Carsten Tanggaard | 1 |
Efficient Control Variates for Monte-Carlo Valuation of American Options Nicki Søndergaard Rasmussen | 1 |
Estimating the Consumption-Capital Asset Pricing Model without Consumption Data: Evidence from Denmark Anne-Sofie Reng Rasmussen | 1 |
Hedging with a Misspecified Model Nicki Søndergaard Rasmussen | 1 |
Further Evidence on Hedge Funds Performance. Claus Bang Christiansen, Peter Brink Madsen, Michael Christensen | 1 |
Testing for Multiple Types of Marginal Investor in Ex-day Pricing Jan Bartholdy, Kate Briown | 1 |
An Empirical Study of the Term Structure of Interest Rates in Denmark, 1993 – 2002 Charlotte Christiansen, Tom Engsted, Svend Jakobsen, Carsten Tanggaard | 1 |
Was the Honeymoon Effect Effective? An Analysis of the EMS Target Zone. Allan Bødskov Andersen | 1 |
Credit Spreads and the Term Structure of Interest Rates. Charlotte Christiansen | 1 |
MCMC Based Estimation of Term Structure Models. Peter Mikkelsen | 1 |
A Finite Difference Approach to the Valuation of Path Dependent Life Insurance Liabilities. Anders Grosen, Bjarke Jensen, Peter Løchte Jørgensen | 1 |
The Pros and Cons of Butterfly Barbells Michael Christensen | 1 |
Estimating Multiplicative and Additive Hazard Functions by Kernel Methods. Oliver B. Linton, Jens Perch Nielsen, Sara Van de Geer | 1 |
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