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Hanken School of Economics
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Top papers by Abstract Accesses last month (2025-02)
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Top papers by Downloads last month (2025-02)
Paper | Downloads |
Strategic Priorities, Company Performance and Attitudes Towards Management Accounting Techniques: an Empirical Study Bo-Göran Ekholm, Jan Wallin | 4 |
The Hybrid Consumer: Exploring the Drivers of a New Consumer Behaviour Type Grönroos Christian, Hanna Leppänen | 2 |
The Quest for Well-being in Growth Industries 2: The Survey Teemu Tallberg, Jeff Hearn, Charlotta Niemistö, Pernilla Gripenberg, Marjut Jyrkinen, Linda McKie | 1 |
Finnish-French Fundamental Cultural Antagonisms in Organising Martin Fougère | 1 |
With Good Reputation Size Does not Matter: Issue Frequency and the Determinants of Debt Maturity Nikolas Rokkanen | 1 |
Re-Conceptualizing Value-Creation From Industrial Business Logic to Service Business Logic Helle Pekka | 1 |
Shareholder/Stakeholder Value Management, Company Growth and Financial Performance: An Exploratory Study Bo-Göran Ekholm, Jan Wallin | 1 |
Reklamsvenska i Finland speglad genom varuhuset Stockmanns tidningsannonser under det 20e seklet - Swedish Advertising Language in Finland Mirrored by the Newspaper Advertisements of the Stockmanns Department Store During the 20th Century Marika Tandefelt | 1 |
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Top papers by Abstract Accesses last 3 months (2024-12 to 2025-02)
Paper | Accesses |
Re-Conceptualizing Value-Creation From Industrial Business Logic to Service Business Logic Helle Pekka | 88 |
Finnish-French Fundamental Cultural Antagonisms in Organising Martin Fougère | 87 |
The Hybrid Consumer: Exploring the Drivers of a New Consumer Behaviour Type Grönroos Christian, Hanna Leppänen | 78 |
Strategic Priorities, Company Performance and Attitudes Towards Management Accounting Techniques: an Empirical Study Bo-Göran Ekholm, Jan Wallin | 68 |
Value of Image in Service Tore Strandvik, Anne Rindell | 67 |
Towards Service Logic: The Unique Contribution of Value Co-Creation Christian Grönroos | 66 |
The Quest for Well-being in Growth Industries 2: The Survey Teemu Tallberg, Jeff Hearn, Charlotta Niemistö, Pernilla Gripenberg, Marjut Jyrkinen, Linda McKie | 66 |
Corporate Brand Repositioning with CSR as the Differentiating Factor: A Study on Consumer Perceptions Tiina Vilppo, Kirsti Lindberg-Repo | 64 |
Do Analysts Leak Information to Preferred Customers? Anders Ekholm, Alexander von Nandelstadh | 64 |
Cobreaking of Stock Prices and Contagion Niklas Ahlgren, Jan Antell | 63 |
With Good Reputation Size Does not Matter: Issue Frequency and the Determinants of Debt Maturity Nikolas Rokkanen | 63 |
What Determines Stock Option Contract Design? Daniel Pasternack, Matts Rosenberg | 63 |
Organisation Carescapes: Researching Organisations, Work and Care Linda McKie, Jeff Hearn, Sophie Bowlby, Andrew Smith, Gill Hogg | 63 |
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Top papers by Downloads last 3 months (2024-12 to 2025-02)
Paper | Downloads |
Finnish-French Fundamental Cultural Antagonisms in Organising Martin Fougère | 17 |
Strategic Priorities, Company Performance and Attitudes Towards Management Accounting Techniques: an Empirical Study Bo-Göran Ekholm, Jan Wallin | 15 |
Reklamsvenska i Finland speglad genom varuhuset Stockmanns tidningsannonser under det 20e seklet - Swedish Advertising Language in Finland Mirrored by the Newspaper Advertisements of the Stockmanns Department Store During the 20th Century Marika Tandefelt | 10 |
Re-Conceptualizing Value-Creation From Industrial Business Logic to Service Business Logic Helle Pekka | 9 |
The Hybrid Consumer: Exploring the Drivers of a New Consumer Behaviour Type Grönroos Christian, Hanna Leppänen | 7 |
An Empirical Investigation of Value-at-Risk in Long and Short Trading Positions Sofie Kulp-Tåg | 4 |
Intraday Seasonalities and Macroeconomic News Announcements Kari Harju, Mujahid Hussain | 3 |
Shareholder/Stakeholder Value Management, Company Growth and Financial Performance: An Exploratory Study Bo-Göran Ekholm, Jan Wallin | 3 |
Branding: The Past, Present, and Future: A Study of the Evolution and Future of Branding Anders Hampf, Kirsti Lindberg-Repo | 3 |
Towards Service Logic: The Unique Contribution of Value Co-Creation Christian Grönroos | 2 |
Word-of-mouth-forskning – Från ett beteendevetenskapligt perspektiv mot ett företagsperspektiv Mikael Berndtson | 2 |
An Empirical Comparison of Linear and Nonlinear Volatility Models for Nordic Stock Returns Sofie Kulp-Tåg | 2 |
The Quest for Well-being in Growth Industries 2: The Survey Teemu Tallberg, Jeff Hearn, Charlotta Niemistö, Pernilla Gripenberg, Marjut Jyrkinen, Linda McKie | 2 |
Exploring Marketing in Micro Firms Karolina Wägar, Peter Björk, Annika Ravald, Björn West | 2 |
With Good Reputation Size Does not Matter: Issue Frequency and the Determinants of Debt Maturity Nikolas Rokkanen | 2 |
Network Knowledge versus Cluster Knowledge- The Gordian Knot of Knowledge Transfer Concepts Maria Forsman, Nikodemus Solitander | 2 |
Flexible Budgeting under Uncertainty: A Real Options Perspective Bo-Göran Ekholm, Jan Wallin | 2 |
Customer Energy in Relationships Kristina Heinonen, Tore Strandvik | 2 |
Constructing Stability in Software Product Development during Organizational Restructurings Beata Segercrantz | 2 |
The Quest for Well-being in Growth Industries: Contexts, Research Design and Methodological Development Jeff Hearn, Teemu Tallberg, Linda McKie, Pernilla Gripenberg, Marjut Jyrkinen, Charlotta Niemistö | 2 |
Open Access –julkaiseminen, linkittäminen ja tekijänoikeus - selvitys verkkojulkaisusopimuksissa huomioitavista seikoista Olli Vilanka | 2 |
Determinants of Profit Sharing in the Finnish Sector Laura Arrantz-Aperte, Almas Heshmati | 2 |
Exploring Customer Value Formation: A Customer Dominant Logic Perspective Päivi Voima, kristina Heinonen, Tore Strandvik | 2 |
Silent Communication - A Challenge to Established Marketing Communication Practice Tore Strandvik, Åke Finne | 2 |
What Can A Service Logic Offer Marketing Theory Grönroos Christian | 2 |
Networks, Organisations and Men: Concepts and Interrelations Teemu Tallberg | 2 |
The Effect of Obesity on Wages and Employment: The Difference Between Having a High BMI and Being Fat Edvard Johansson, Petri Böckerman, Urpo Kiiskinen, Markku Heliövaara | 2 |
Customer Needing - Conceptualising Industrial Service from a Customer Perspective Tore Strandvik, Maria Holmlund, Bo Edvardsson | 2 |
Interpretation of Services Marketing Concepts Hannele Kauppinen-Räisänen, Christian Grönroos, Johanna Gummerus | 2 |
Activityscape Mapping: Consumer Activity Systems as Service Context Jacob Mickelsson | 2 |
Organizational Measures Taken against Workplace Bullying: The Case of Finnish Municipalities Denise Salin | 2 |
The Impact of New Capital Requirements on the Portfolio Decisions of Finnish Pension Institutions Hans-Kristian Sjöholm | 2 |
Swedish Premium Pension Funds: Attributes and Performance Benny Jern | 2 |
Short-Horizon Asymmetric Mean-Reversion and Overreactions: Evidence from the Nordic Stock Markets Sofie Kulp-Tåg | 2 |
Luottamusmiesten Sitoutuminen Yritykseen ja Ammattijärjestöönsä Kari Pöllänen | 2 |
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Top papers by Abstract Accesses all months (from 2003-11)
Paper | Accesses |
Shareholder/Stakeholder Value Management, Company Growth and Financial Performance: An Exploratory Study Bo-Göran Ekholm, Jan Wallin | 2904 |
Interpretation of Services Marketing Concepts Hannele Kauppinen-Räisänen, Christian Grönroos, Johanna Gummerus | 2494 |
Strategic Priorities, Company Performance and Attitudes Towards Management Accounting Techniques: an Empirical Study Bo-Göran Ekholm, Jan Wallin | 2191 |
Open Access –julkaiseminen, linkittäminen ja tekijänoikeus - selvitys verkkojulkaisusopimuksissa huomioitavista seikoista Olli Vilanka | 2044 |
Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Firm Performance: Evidence from Finland Alexander von Nandelstadh, Matts Rosenberg | 1989 |
Network Knowledge versus Cluster Knowledge- The Gordian Knot of Knowledge Transfer Concepts Maria Forsman, Nikodemus Solitander | 1765 |
What Can A Service Logic Offer Marketing Theory Grönroos Christian | 1728 |
What Determines Stock Option Contract Design? Daniel Pasternack, Matts Rosenberg | 1702 |
Finnish-French Fundamental Cultural Antagonisms in Organising Martin Fougère | 1699 |
Swedish Premium Pension Funds: Attributes and Performance Benny Jern | 1569 |
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Top papers by Downloads all months (from 2003-11)
Paper | Downloads |
Reklamsvenska i Finland speglad genom varuhuset Stockmanns tidningsannonser under det 20e seklet - Swedish Advertising Language in Finland Mirrored by the Newspaper Advertisements of the Stockmanns Department Store During the 20th Century Marika Tandefelt | 1169 |
Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Firm Performance: Evidence from Finland Alexander von Nandelstadh, Matts Rosenberg | 1021 |
Shareholder/Stakeholder Value Management, Company Growth and Financial Performance: An Exploratory Study Bo-Göran Ekholm, Jan Wallin | 915 |
What Determines Stock Option Contract Design? Daniel Pasternack, Matts Rosenberg | 869 |
Interpretation of Services Marketing Concepts Hannele Kauppinen-Räisänen, Christian Grönroos, Johanna Gummerus | 853 |
The Effect of Obesity on Wages and Employment: The Difference Between Having a High BMI and Being Fat Edvard Johansson, Petri Böckerman, Urpo Kiiskinen, Markku Heliövaara | 811 |
Customer Energy in Relationships Kristina Heinonen, Tore Strandvik | 781 |
Current Debates on Classifying Diversity Management: Review and a Proposal Susanna Bairoh | 779 |
Do Analysts Leak Information to Preferred Customers? Anders Ekholm, Alexander von Nandelstadh | 765 |
Exploring Customer Value Formation: A Customer Dominant Logic Perspective Päivi Voima, kristina Heinonen, Tore Strandvik | 744 |
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