No 2009/9: Personal Character and Firm Performance. The Economic Implications of Having Fraudulent Board Members
Eli Amir, Juha-Pekka Kallunki and Henrik Nilsson
No 2009/8: Extra Financial Analysis – EFA: Environmental and financial performances of ABB, Akzo-Nobel and SCA: Picturing the business opportunities and risks associated to stakeholder perceptions and environmental and social prerequisites
Pontus Cerin and Mohammed Belhaj
No 2009/7: Psychology, Financial Decision Making, and Financial Crises
Tommy Gärling, Erich Kirchler, Alan Lewis and Fred van Raaij
No 2009/6: Psychological Influences on Investors Intention to be Socially Responsible Investors: A comparison what influences SRI intentions among different types of investors
Magnus Jansson and Anders Biel
No 2009/5: Investment Institutions’ Beliefs about and Attitudes toward Socially Responsible Investment (SRI): A Comparison between SRI and non-SRI Management
Magnus Jansson and Anders Biel
No 2009/4: The Value Relevance of Environmental and Social Performance: Evidence from Swedish SIX 300 Companies
Natalia Semenova, Lars Hassel and Henrik Nilsson
No 2009/3: Portfolio managers’ attitudes towards policy regulations of environmental reporting
Eva-Lotta Sundblad, Tommy Gärling, Anders Biel and Martin Hedesström
No 2009/2: Environmental policy and profitability. Evidence from Swedish industry
Runar Brännlund and Tommy Lundgren
No 2009/1: Environmental policy without costs? A review of the Porter hypothesis
Runar Brännlund and Tommy Lundgren
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