No 2001:14: Being Emotionally Intelligent: A Matter of Regulating Affect?
Elisabeth Engelberg
No 2001:13: Emotional Intelligence Measured in a Highly Competitive Testing Situation
Lennart Sjöberg
No 2001:12: Determinants of Behavior : Do Direct Measures of Attitude Unravel It All?
Elisabeth Engelberg
No 2001:11: Risk perception and New Age beliefs
Lennart Sjöberg and Anders af Wåhlberg
No 2001:10: How Third party logistics providers create effectiveness and efficiency by coordinating customers´activities an strategies
Susanne Hertz and Monica Macquet
No 2001:9: Economize or 'shop til you drop': Consumer Choice as a Function of Attitude to Saving
Elisabeth Engelberg
No 2001:8: Emotional Intelligence and Life Adjustment: A Validation Study
Lennart Sjöberg
No 2001:7: P/E-ratios in Relative Valuation - a Mission Impossible?
Kenth Skogsvik and Stina Skogsvik
No 2001:6: The Swedish Finance Company Crisis -- Could It Have Been Anticipated?
L. Peter Jennergren
No 2001:5: Shopping via Internet: Konsumentens egenskaper, attityder och samspelet med webbdesignen, marknadsföringen och teknologin
Gudrun Balsvik
No 2001:4: Upplevelser av Hot och Kriser
Lennart Sjöberg
No 2001:3: The construction of global management consulting - a study of consultancies’ web presentations
Jonas Bäcklund and Andreas Werr
No 2001:2: Narratives and Performance - The Case of Stock-broking
Jesper Blomberg
No 2001:1: Social-Cognition and Social-Phenomenology - a Comparative Investigation of Two Theories of Action and a Suggested Synthesis
Jesper Blomberg
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